

FM Environmental is a quality assured company which operates an Integrated Management System covering Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety, monitored by the independent certifying body, nqa. 

FM Environmental also operates to the OHSAS 1801:2007 Health and Safety Management System for the construction and installation of pumping and wastewater treatment equipment. In addition, its on-going commitment to the environment is reflected by its new accreditation to the ISO14001:2015 Environmental Standard.

View our commitment to excellence on physical projects by clicking

These accreditations form part of the five cornerstone business systems to FM Environmental’s Total Quality Management System. They include:

* BS EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Standard

* BS EN ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Standard

* BS EN ISO 45001:2018 Health & Safety Certification

* Sage Financial Management Information System

Sage Customer Relationship Management and Service Package